Vision: Advancing scientific knowledge of materials formation and properties through research, teaching, and mentorship
I'm materials science researcher from the broader Seattle area. I recently completed my PhD in the Materials Theory and Design Group under Professor James M. Rondinelli at Northwestern University. I'll be starting a postdoc with the Ceder group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in March, 2023.
(PhD) Northwestern University
September 2017 - November 2022(BS/MS) Case Western Reserve University
August 2013 - May 2017(AS) Bellevue College
September 2011 - June 2013Work experience
Postdoctoral Scholar
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (2023-present)
Graduate Research Assistant
Northwestern University (2017-2022)
Explores the stability and synthesizability of various materials in aqueous electrochemical environments with thermodynamic models
Evaluates the stability and electronic properties of (heteroanionic) molybdenum compounds for functional applications (e.g. electrides, metal-insulator transitions)
Collaborates with experimentalists to guide syntheses for novel compounds with Pourbaix diagrams, Ellingham diagrams, and density functional theory calculations
Post-processes DFT output with in-house code written in Python, C, and Fortran
Aides in writing resource and funding proposals, including for national supercomputers, MURI, and MRSEC funding agencies
Disseminates work through written articles, oral presentations, and poster sessions
Undergraduate Research Assistantships
Case Western Reserve University (2013-2017)
University of Pennsylvania (Summer 2016)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Summer 2015)
Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (Summer 2014)